Pyeongchang Weather Averages

Pyeongchang Weather and Temperature - Pyeongchang Sunshine and Rainfall

The following weather chart displays the monthly average weather conditions and temperature for Pyeongchang, Korea. The first chart summarizes the weather, the red line displays the monthly day time maximum temperature while the bar chart indicates the number of wet days per month that Pyeongchang experiences. The second chart shows the maximum day time temperature and the average night time minimum temperature of Pyeongchang.

Pyeongchang Weather Chart

Pyeongchang Weather

The average weather for Pyeongchang, Korea

When to Visit Pyeongchang for a Holiday

Pyeongchang lies within a mountainous terrain with the average elevation of the city at 750 m. This higher altitude and slightly inland location causes the small city to have the extremes of weather. The summers of Pyeongchang are hot and humid while the winters are very cold. This coldness and large volume of snow which falls across the upper hills was one of the factors which help the city to become the venue for the 2018 winter Olympics.

Pyeongchang Maximum and Minimum Temperature

Pyeongchang Temperature

Pyeongchang Temperature in Centigrade and Fahrenheit


The above temperature chart of Pyeongchang displays the maximum day time and minimum night time temperatures in both centigrade and fahrenheit. The average monthly maximum temperature is the average air temperature that is in a place of shade therefore Pyeongchang temperatures in direct sunlight during the summer months will be much higher.


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