Pyeongchang Sunshine and Rainfall

Pyeongchang Weather and Temperature - Pyeongchang Sunshine and Rainfall

The two weather charts below display the average sunshine and rainfall for Pyeongchang, Korea. The first chart shows the average amount of rainfall per month and the number of wet day for Pyeongchang per month. The second chart shows the average number of hours of sunshine per month plotted against the maximum day time temperature of Pyeongchang.

Pyeongchang Rain and Rainfall

Pyeongchang Rain Rainfall

Average Rainfall for Pyeongchang


The blue bar chart displays the average number of wet days that Pyeongchang experiences per month. This is plotted against the average amount of rainfall per month. The wettest months are july and August but the entire wet season is best avoided.

Pyeongchang Sunshine and Hours of Sun

Pyeongchang Sunshine sun

Pyeongchang Sunshine hours per month and maximum temperature


The above chart displays the number of hours of sunshine per day as a monthly average for Pyeongchang. This is plotted against the maximum day time temperature. Pyeongchang receives the most sun during the spring months before the wet season. The winter months have many hours of sun but the temperatures are very cold making the region excellent for skiing and snow boarding.

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