Japan as a country has two extreme seasons; winter and summer with two very short pleasant season either side. The summers are very hot and, for most of the Japan, unpleasantly humid. The summer months is when the majority of the rain falls. During the winter month strong air currents blow in from northern Siberia freezing north western Japan. The best season to visit Japan is during the short spring which is referred to as the cherry blossom season. Typhoon season is August to September and Japan typical experiences 6 a year. For specific weather details of Japan's cities please see the navigation at the bottom of this page.
The average weather for Australia based upon region data.
The above weather chart of Japan is a summary of the entire country's weather but is weighted upon population density. Both the north and interior of Japan will have more extreme than indicated.
The maximum day time temperature of Japan in Centigrade and Fahrenheit
The average temperature of Japan weather chart above details the average day time maximum for three of Japans most important cities.
The average rainfall of Japan, millimetres and inches of rain for Japan
The average rainfall chart of Japan details the average rainfall per month for the Japanese cities listed above. The amount of rain is given in both milimeters and inches. The majority of Japan's rain falls during the summer months and a large portion of this falls during the typhoon season.
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