Incheon Weather Averages

The following weather chart displays the monthly average weather conditions for Incheon, Korea. The red line displays the monthly day time maximum temperature while the blue line shows the average night time minimum. The bar chart indicates the number of wet days per month that Incheon experiences.

Incheon Weather Chart

 Incheon Weather

The average weather for Incheon, Korea

When to Visit Incheon for a Holiday

Incheon has less extreme weather than the rest of Korea and is a much more pleasant location weather-wise. The city experiences four distinct seasons but the close vicinity of the East China Sea moderates each season. The summer months are the hottest and most humid in Incheon while the winters are cool but never experiences snow or ice.

Incheon experiences the tail ends of the East Asian monsoon with July and August being the wettest months but the volumes of rain are less here than in the central regions or eastern coast. The best season to visit Incheon is during the spring months.

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Weather Definitions

The Incheon weather chart and data has been averaged into monthly segments to aid in choosing a suitable season to visit Incheon. The average monthly maximum temperature is the average air temperature that is in a place of shade therefore Incheon temperatures in direct sunlight during the summer months will be much higher.