Australia is a vast country and the weather is equally diverse. As a very high-level summary, the southern hemisphere summers months of Australia (November through to February) have the hottest and driest weather (the one exception is the far north of the country) while the winters are wet and mild. The interior of Australia is extremely hot during the summer but can be surprising cool in winter. For specific weather details of Australian cities please see the navigation at the bottom of this page.
The average weather for Australia based upon region data.
The above weather chart of Australia is a summary of the entire country but is weighted upon population density. The extreme north of Australia is not included due to the very different climate.
The maximum day time temperature of Australia in Centigrade and Fahrenheit
The average temperature of Australia weather chart above details the average monthly averages for three distinct region of Australia. Darwin summarises the remote north, Perth the western edge of Australia and Sydney representing the south east region.
The average rainfall of Australia, millimetres and inches of rain for Australia
The average rainfall chart of Australia details the average rainfall per month for the Australian cities listed above. Perth has wet winters dry summers, Sydney has an almost constant rainfall throughout the year while the north experiences cyclones and a summer monsoon climate.
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