Seogwipo Weather Averages

The following weather chart displays the monthly average weather conditions for Seogwipo, Korea. The red line displays the monthly day time maximum temperature while the blue line shows the average night time minimum. The bar chart indicates the number of wet days per month that Seogwipo experiences.

Seogwipo Weather Chart

 Seogwipo Weather

The average weather for Seogwipo, Korea

When to Visit Seogwipo for a Holiday

Seogwipo on the island of Jeju has very different weather to mainland Korea and is famous for its almost constant strong winds caused to the sieving atmospheric pressures above the island. These strong winds pass over the surrounding seas capturing moisture which, when forced to rise by Jeju’s mountains, causes rain to fall on Seogwipo.

Jeju has the highest amount of wet days in Korea but equally the most pleasant winters; the winters are mild with only a slight snow dusting on the highest peaks. Spring is the ideal time of year to visit Seogwipo before the high humidity of summer. The Korean’s regard July to September as the beach season but high temperatures and humidity make it almost impossible to do anything else. The typhoon season occurs in late summer but Seogwipo rarely experiences truly destructive typhoons.


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Weather Definitions

The number of wet days is defined as any day when more than 0.1mm of rain falls (this is a very small amount). The wet day can range from just a single shower through to a complete day of rain but the number of wet days per month is a very useful guide when planning a holiday to Seogwipo in Korea.