Shanghai China Weather Averages

The following two weather chart summaries the average weather conditions of Shanghai, China. The first weather chart indicates the average number of wet days and the day time maximum temperature. The second weather chart shows the maximum and minimum temperature in centigrade and fahrenheit of Shanghai.
The third chart shows the average amount of rainfall per month and the number of wet day for Shanghai per month. The fourth chart shows the average number of hours of sunshine per month plotted against the maximum day time temperature of Shanghai.

Shanghai China Weather

Shanghai China Weather

Shanghai average weather chart


The red line shows the maximum day time temperature in centigrade and the blue bar chart indicates the number of wet days per month.

Shanghai Maximum and Minimum Temperature

Shanghai Temperature Maximum Minimum

Shanghai Centigrade and Fahrenheit Temperature Chart


The above temperature chart of Shanghai displays the maximum day time and minimum night time temperatures in both centigrade and fahrenheit.

Shanghai China Rain and Rainfall

Shanghai Rain Rainfall

Average Rainfall for Shanghai


The blue bar chart displays the average number of wet days that Shanghai experiences per month. This is plotted against the average amount of rainfall per month.

Shanghai Sunshine and Hours of Sun

Shanghai Sunshine sun

Shanghai Sunshine hours per month and maximum temperature


The above chart displays the number of hours of sunshine per day as a monthly average for Shanghai. This is plotted against the maximum day time temperature.


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