Luang Namtha Weather Averages

The following weather chart displays the monthly average weather conditions for Luang Namtha in Laos. The first chart summarizes the average weather for Luang Namtha. The second weather chart details the maximum and minimum temperature of Luang Namtha in both centigrade and fahrenheit. The third weather chart displays the average amount of rain plotted against the total number of wet days per month. Laos has a long wet season during the summer months while the dry season has a cool and hot periods. The mid winter months are the best time of year to visit Luang Namtha as it is dry and less humid + hot.

Luang Namtha Weather Chart

Luang Namtha Weather

The average weather for Luang Namtha

Luang Namtha Maximum and Minimum Temperature

Luang Namtha Temperature

Luang Namtha Temperature in Centigrade and Fahrenheit

The above temperature chart of Luang Namtha displays the maximum day time and minimum night time temperatures in both centigrade and fahrenheit. The average monthly maximum temperature is the average air temperature that is in a place of shade therefore Luang Namtha temperatures in direct sunlight during the summer months will be much higher. April and May are very humid and draining while December and January are the coolest and less humid months so best suited for tourists.

Luang Namtha Rainfall and Wet Days

Luang Namtha rainfall rain wet

Average Rainfall for Luang Namtha

The blue bar chart displays the average number of wet days that Luang Namtha experiences per month. This is plotted against the average amount of rainfall per month. The long wet season is best avoided.


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