Sydney and Perth Weather Comparison

The following weather charts compare Perth’s weather against Sydney's weather.
For separate average weather information about Sydney or Perth

The first weather graph displays the day time maximum average temperature, the second shows the average night time minimum and the final bar chart indicates the number of wet days per month. These weather charts visually compare the weather of Perth to the weather of Sydney to provide assistance when planning a holiday or visit.

Maximum Temperature For Perth and Sydney

Maximum Temperature For Perth and Sydney

The monthly average maximum temperature of Sydney compared to Perth

As Perth and Sydney are in different hemispheres their seasons are reversed.

Number of Wet Days in Sydney and Perth

Number of Wet Days in Sydney and Perth

The total number of days with rain in Perth compared to Sydney

Both Sydney and Perth have an equal amount of wet days. A wet day is classified as having more than 0.1ml of rainfall which is a very small amount. For both cities the summer rainfall is shorter and lighter than the winter seasons.

Minimum Temperature For Perth and Sydney

Minimum Temperature For Perth and Sydney

The minimum temperature of Sydney compared Perth average temperature


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