Argentina’s second city Cordoba, weather averages are classified as having a humid subtropical climate. This description can fill visitors with dread but the humidity is offset by the constant winds which blow in from the cold south west. The summer months are from late November until early March and this is the hottest season. The heat and humidity is lessened by the frequent heavy rains but January has an average temperature of 30°C. The constant winds help to reduce night time temperatures but nights in Cordoba can be hot and unpleasant. The winter months of Cordoba, from May until early September, are much cooler and extremely unpredictable. The unpredictability comes from the direction of the wind; if blowing from the hot north the city declares Veranito – little summer but if from the Atlantic coast expect wet miserable weather.
Argentina’s second city Cordoba, weather averages are classified as having a humid subtropical climate. This description can fill visitors with dread but the humidity is offset by the constant winds which blow in from the cold south west. The winter months of Cordoba, from May until early September, are much cooler and extremely unpredictable. The unpredictability comes from the direction of the wind; if blowing from the hot north the city declares Veranito – little summer but if from the Atlantic coast expect wet miserable weather. The summer months are from late November until early March and this is the hottest season. The heat and humidity is lessened by the frequent heavy rains but January has an average temperature of 30°C. The constant winds help to reduce night time temperatures but nights in Cordoba can be hot and unpleasant.
The average weather for Cordoba, Argentina
Cordoba Weather Averages Temperature in Centigrade and Fahrenheit
The above temperature chart of Cordoba displays the maximum day time and minimum night time temperatures in both centigrade and fahrenheit. The average monthly maximum temperature is the average air temperature that is in a place of shade therefore Cordoba temperatures in direct sunlight during the summer months will be much higher.
else { echo 'Average Rainfall for Cordoba Weather Averages
The blue bar chart displays the average number of wet days that Cordoba experiences per month. This is plotted against the average amount of rainfall per month. The long wet season is best avoided.
?>Average Rainfall for Cordoba Weather Averages
The blue bar chart displays the average number of wet days that Cordoba experiences per month. This is plotted against the average amount of rainfall per month. The long wet season is best avoided.
Cordoba Weather Averages Temperature in Centigrade and Fahrenheit
The above temperature chart of Cordoba displays the maximum day time and minimum night time temperatures in both centigrade and fahrenheit. The average monthly maximum temperature is the average air temperature that is in a place of shade therefore Cordoba temperatures in direct sunlight during the summer months will be much higher.
Argentina Weather
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