The preceding weather chart displays the Mendoza weather averages. The red line displays the monthly day time maximum temperature while the blue line shows the average night time minimum. The bar chart indicates the number of wet days per month that Mendoza experiences.
The average weather for Mendoza, Argentina
Mendoza lies on the eastern side of the Andes mountain range and is described as having an arid climate. The high mountains shield the region from a constant rainfall but the plains that surround the city are full of vine yards providing the grapes for the regions famed wines. This transformation from an arid landscape to a fine wine producing region is due to the extensive irrigation system.
Mendoza has a merger annual rain fall of only 223mm but this is great to visitors to the region who can expect hot days during the summer months (November–March). Mendoza summer temperatures have an average of 32°C but in direct sun light can be much higher. The summer climate is much more bearable than the capital as the humidity levels are much lower and the mountains are always much cooler than Mendoza. The winter months are from June to late August and are cold but very dry
Argentina Weather
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