Hokitika Weather

The following weather chart displays the monthly average weather conditions for Hokitika, New Zealand. The red line displays the monthly day time maximum temperature while the blue line shows the average night time minimum. The bar chart indicates the number of wet days per month that Hokitika experiences.

Hokitika Weather Chart

Hokitika Weather

The average weather for Hokitika, New Zealand

When to Visit Hokitika

In general the best months to visit New Zealand and Hokitika are either during the spring months (April to May) and the autumn months (October and November). These two tourist seasons miss the hot and oppressively humid summers and the wet and gray winters. The height of the tourist season and time of year preferred by the New Zealandese is the short cherry blossom season that occurs in mid spring. The worst time of year to visit New Zealand is at the height of summer when the high humidity can make every activity draining and difficult.

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