The Algarve or Sharm el Sheikh Weather

The weather charts below compare the average weather conditions of the Algarve with Sharm el Sheikh. The first weather chart shows the maximum day time temperature, the second weather bar chart displays the amount of rain that Sharm el Sheikh with the Algarve experiences per month. The third chart shows the most important measure for a holiday, the average number of hours of sun per day. These weather charts of the Algarve and Sharm el Sheikh provide the average weather conditions per month but can only ever provide a guide for future weather conditions. Click here for a guide to Algarve.

Maximum Temperature of the Algarve and Sharm el Sheikh Maximum Temperature For Algarve and Sharm el Sheikh

The monthly average maximum temperature of Sharm el Sheikh compared to the Algarve

The day time maximum temperature measurement is recorded in shade therefore the temperature in direct sunlight during the summer months will always be much hotter.

Amount of Rain in Sharm el Sheikh and the Algarve Amount of Rain in Sharm el Sheikh and Algarve

The total number of days with rain in the Algarve compared to Sharm el Sheikh

A larger amount of rain generally indicates more wet days but all resorts have significantly less than back at home. London has a yearly average of 50 mm per month, while Cardiff has 95mm and Glasgow has a dismal 100mm of rain per month.

Hours of Sun Per day for the Algarve and Sharm el Sheikh Hours of Sun Per day for Algarve and Sharm el Sheikh

The average number of hours of sun light for Sharm el Sheikh and the Algarve

This measure of sun light hours indicates how many hours of sun to expect in the Algarve or Sharm el Sheikh per day on your holiday.


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