The following graphs display the monthly average weather for Manaus Brazil. The first weather chart details the average weather of Manaus. The second graph displays the daytime maximum temperature and nighttime minimum temperature in centigrade and Fahrenheit. The third weather chart shows the average hours of sun per day and the humidity. The fourth chart displays the amount of rainfall for Manaus.
The average weather for Manaus Brazil
Panama City has two distinct seasons; a long wet season from May to December and a short dry season from January to April. Due to the close proximity to the equator the temperature does not alter much during the year and has an average of 27C. Panama City has constant high humidity of 75% and the city is classified as having a sub-equatorial tropical climate.
Manaus Brazil Temperature in Centigrade and Fahrenheit
The above temperature chart of Manaus Brazil displays the maximum day time and minimum night time temperatures in both centigrade and fahrenheit. The average monthly maximum temperature is the average air temperature that is in a place of shade therefore Manaus temperatures in direct sunlight during the summer months will be much higher.
Average Humidity and sun hours for Manaus
Average rainfall and number of wet days for Manaus
The majority of the rain falls during the long wet season and the wettest month is March, June is one of the driest months but the humidity is very high.
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