England and France Weather Comparison

The following weather charts compare the average weather of England with that of France.

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These weather charts summarise the average weather conditions of both England and France and then compare each country. The process of averaging a whole country's weather must make some generalisations and assumptions so that extreme regional differences are negated or reduced. The weather data for France and England can still provide a high level summary of the temperature, rainfall and sunshine of both countries.

Maximum Day time Temperature For France Compared to England

England and France Weather temperature

The average monthly maximum day time temperature and weather for England compared to France

Generally as a whole country France has higher day time average temperatures than England. The largest difference is during the summer months when the south of France is significantly hotter than the cooler north of England. The two capitals have very similar weather, click here to see.

Number of Wet Days in England Compared to France

England France wet rain rainfal

The total amount of rain per month for England Compared to France

The above chart displays the monthly average rainfall for England compared to France. Rainfall across each country has massive regional variations but when the amount of rainfall is average across the entire country both France and England have very similar amounts of rain per month. The driest month for both France and England is July while both countries have wet and unpredictable winters.

France and England Average Hours of Sunshine per Day

France and England sun sunshine

The daily average hours of sunshine for France and England

The above chart displays the average number of hours of sunshine per day as a monthly average. France as a country receives significantly more sunshine hours than England but this is mainly due to the long hot summer of the south of France when compared to the short and mild summers of northern England. Both France and England experience the most sun during the summer months and substantially less sunshine hours in the winter months.


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